Member Spotlight- Kay Family Foundation

Mark Percy, Vice President, Strategic Relations for KNET For the past decade Mark has served as a philanthropic advisor to individuals and families making significant investments to positively impact education, health care, and other areas of common purpose. Mark is the Vice President, Strategic Relations for KNET, a consortium enterprise that serves as the [...]

January 13th, 2017|Categories: Archive|Tags: , , |

Member Spotlight- Samueli Foundation

Gerald Solomon, Executive Director of the Samueli Foundation Mr. Solomon has served as the Executive Director of the Samueli Foundation since 2008, overseeing their philanthropic activities, focused on STEM Education, Youth, Integrative Health and Jewish Leadership. He led the design and development of the OC STEM Initiative, the nation’s first [...]

December 19th, 2016|Categories: Archive|Tags: , , |

Member Spotlight: Tiger Woods Foundation

Dr. Katherine Bihr is the Vice President or Programs and Education for the Tiger Woods Foundation. Her responsibilities include providing direction to the personnel, programs and operations of both the Tiger Woods Learning Centers and the Earl Woods Scholarship Program. Prior to joining the Tiger Woods Foundation, she was the Principal of Vista View [...]

Member Spotlight: OCDE

Tom Turner has been involved in education for 19 years in education. During that time, his roles varied from classroom teacher to high school administrator to elementary school principal to the member of the Superintendent’s cabinet. Common threads in his work history are an innovative use of technology and progressive practices —no matter the position.  Tom [...]

June 3rd, 2016|Categories: Archive|Tags: , , |

Member Spotlight: OCTANe

Christina Alexopoulos Smith is the Director of Business Development at OCTANe. Prior to joining OCTANe in 2013, Christina worked in development at the Schmid College of Science and Technology at Chapman University where she focused on fundraising, outreach, and program marketing along with teaching as adjunct faculty in the voice department at the Hall-­‐Musco Conservatory [...]

March 31st, 2016|Categories: Archive|Tags: , , |