Through a partnership between the Orange County Department of Education and OC STEM, the Lead STEM Practitioner (LSP) Network has been developed to engage a strong cadre of teacher/leaders to become the conduits of information for their respective districts regarding new, innovative work happening in STEM education globally, nationally and locally. This group of teacher leaders will have an opportunity to connect and collaborate and become county-wide influential educators whose collective knowledge will make them models of 21st century learning. Applicants do not need to be experts in NGSS, technology integration, or a specific content area. They simply need to have a passion for providing immersive interconnected learning experiences for students. Lead STEM Practitioners will collectively have access to a $20,000 budget to complete various deliverables in order to influence STEM teaching across Orange County.
This year’s application process called for highly motivated Kindergarten through 12th grade teachers currently working in Orange County Public schools to create a one minute video describing why he/she is a fearless, superstar teacher who does great things for students. Check out the list of this year’s Lead STEM Practitioners here.