OC STEM Ecosystem Institute Monthly Session
This is a mandatory monthly session of the OC STEM Ecosystem Institute for all district teams. Contact Linda Christopher at lchristopher@ocstem.org for more information.
This is a mandatory monthly session of the OC STEM Ecosystem Institute for all district teams. Contact Linda Christopher at lchristopher@ocstem.org for more information.
More details on this two-day training session to follow. For information on the Dimensions of Success observation tool itself, visit; http://www.pearweb.org/tools/dos.html.
This is a mandatory monthly session of the OC STEM Ecosystem Institute for all district teams. There will also be a tour of the Urban Workshop following the close of the session at 3:00pm. Contact Linda Christopher at lchristopher@ocstem.org for more information.
The OC STEM Initiative’s vision states “All educators and teachers are provided the tools and support to ensure their students are STEM competent and STEM literate.” Through the RISP, we offer quality professional development opportunities for out-of-school time practitioners, providing innovative ideas and logistical support for staff who bring STEM content into their programs. We [...]
Please don't forget to register for the first communities of practice this year: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/risp-communities-of-practice-meeting-tickets-18056222648 password: CoP
Contact Linda Christopher at lchristopher@ocstem.org for more information.
OC STEM is working in partnership with the Orange County Department of Education, WestED, the California STEM Learning Network and the California After School Network, with planning contributors from Children and Families Commission of Orange County, Discovery Cube Orange County, Tiger Woods Learning Center, and Science@OC to develop and host a professional learning institute designed to strengthen Orange County school district leadership through the development of STEM Learning Ecosystems and implementation of STEM education programs over an intensive 18-month time period.