New California Standards
Communications Toolkits for Orange County
Jim Everett
Former NFL Quarterback & School Board Member
Shanin Ziemer
Orange County Parent
The new California Standards, also known as Common Core provides clear standards for grade levels and across schools. Parents can be confident they understand what their children need to know for each grade level. See full details directly below nuove slot vlt gratis. Students continue to learn factual information, but will also receive a deeper education that will focus on critical thinking and analysis. Students will benefit by being better prepared to succeed in college and careers as the 21st Century evolves.
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In August 2010, the California State Board of Education formally adopted the Common Core State Standards, also known as the California Standards. The Core State Standards were developed through a state-led effort to establish consistent and clear education standards for English language arts and mathematics. The initiative was launched by and supported by the Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors Association.
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California began full implementation of the Common Core State Standards in 2013-14. The Common Core State Standards are two-fold, addressing both content to be covered and “habits of mind” that students will engage in as they gain content expertise. State and local educators select the curriculum, books and instructional materials. Teaching methods and lessons are determined by teachers.
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In addition to learning factual information, students will be developing the ability to solve problems as they arise. That’s what we all need to do in real life and what businesses are looking for in the people they hire. In a world where we don’t know what the jobs of tomorrow will look like, being able to analyze the situation and solve problems will be key for a student’s future success.
Common Core learning standards give far more flexibility to teachers and districts than they have had before. These standards set out what each student is expected to know by the end of the school year. However, the standards do not tell the teacher how to teach. The curriculum, specific books, lesson plans and classroom exercises are left up to each district to decide on its own.
Business leaders are looking for critical thinkers and problem solvers. These skills, which are at the center of Common Core, are currently needed in the workforce. As jobs in the 21st Century continue to change, business leaders need people who can analyze the changes and determine how the business can evolve to meet them. Business leaders are looking to high schools, community colleges and universities to help their students develop these vital capabilities.